CALL FOR PAPERS Mediterranean Insecurity

download the call for paper (pdf file) – CALL FOR PAPERS Mediterranean Insecurity CALL FOR PAPERS Mediterranean Insecurity   Dear Colleague,   We are currently most happy to accept papers for publication on the website of Mediterranean Insecurity. As you probably know, the paper will also be published inside the books of the series Mediterranean Insecurity…

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Gruppi terroristi e movimenti dell’estremismo violento di destra stanno sfruttando la pandemia del COVID-19 – Laura Quadarella Sanfelice di Monteforte

Scarica il file in PDF – gruppi jihadisti e movimenti estremisti e il covid- novembre 2020- LQSdM   Gruppi terroristi e movimenti dell’estremismo violento di destra stanno sfruttando la pandemia del COVID-19 Laura Quadarella Sanfelice di Monteforte[1] NOVEMBRE 2020   Introduzione Se le conseguenze geopolitiche del COVID-19 nei rapporti tra gli Stati si potranno vedere solo…

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EXCLUSIVE REPORT: Mosul under the so-called Caliphate of the Islamic State: what really happened…between efficiency and brutality PART II: BRUTALITY – Laura Quadarella Sanfelice di Monteforte

download the report (pdf file)  – Mosul under IS – Part II – Brutality – May 2020 LQSdM   Mosul under the so-called Caliphate of the Islamic State: what really happened…between efficiency and brutality PART II: BRUTALITY   Laura Quadarella Sanfelice di Monteforte[1]   Brutality After having seen in the paper published last April the efficiency…

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EXCLUSIVE REPORT: Mosul under the so-called Caliphate of the Islamic State: what really happened…between efficiency and brutality PART I: EFFICIENCY – Laura Quadarella Sanfelice di Monteforte

download the report (pdf file)  – Mosul under IS – Part I – Efficiency – April 2020 LQSdM   Mosul under the so-called Caliphate of the Islamic State: what really happened…between efficiency and brutality PART I: EFFICIENCY Laura Quadarella Sanfelice di Monteforte[1]   Are we sure to know what really happened? During almost three years, the…

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scarica il file in pdf – Scenari di guerra ibrida- febbraio 2020- sanfelice   SCENARI DI GUERRA IBRIDA NEL MEDITERRANEO ALLARGATO Amm. Sq. Ferdinando SANFELICE di MONTEFORTE     Introduzione Quando la politica, con la sua perenne capacità inventiva, conia neologismi in campo strategico, per attirare l’attenzione dell’opinione pubblica, è necessario che questi termini siano sottoposti…

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